Here some useful information about organic and inorganic composite for 9th grade starters.... as a result what you need :)
General knowledge
What is Water?
Water is a colorless and odorless substance found all over Earth.Water is made up of billions of molecules.Each molecule is made of one oxygen and two hydrogen atoms.Water is found in different froms on Earth gas,solid and liquid.
Water which is inorganic composite is very important thing for all living things because of its functions.
It regulates our body temperature
It helps maximize physical performance
It prevents constipation
It protects our tissues,spinal cord and joints
It prevents us from become dehydrated
What is Acid? An acid is a chemical species that donates protons or hydrogen ions and/or accepts electrons. Most acids contain a hydrogen atom bonded that can release (dissociate) to yield a cation and an anion in water. The higher the concentration of hydrogen ions produced by an acid, the higher its acidity and the lower the pH of the solution.
Acid is inorganic composite which has important functions for all living things
They are the building blocks of protein
optimizing efficiency of metabolic transformations to enhance muscle growth
milk production
Athletic perfomance
What is a Base? The nucleobase of a nucleotide involved in base pairing, as of a DNA or RNA polymer.It is a chemical species that can donate,accept electrons, A base is a substance that reacts with an acid in an acid-base reaction.Example for bases include hydroxides and soap
Base is a inorganic composite which has very important functions in our lives.
Cells uses bases and acids in order to maintain the proper ph that enzymes needed to work.
Bases work at digestive system system
Some bases are great conductors of electricity.
They are bitter in taste.
What is Salt? Salt is a mineral consisting primarily of sodium chloride (NaCl), a chemical compound belonging to the larger class of salts; salt in its natural form as a crystalline mineral is known as rock salt or halite.
Salt is a inorganic composite which has functions that are important for our lives
It is the main source of sodium and chloride ions in the human diet.
Sodium is essential for nerve and muscle function
Salts are involved in the regulation of fluids in the body
They are used in seasoning and giving taste to foods
What is a Mineral? Minerals are substances that are formed naturally in the Earth. Minerals are usually solid, inorganic, have a crystal structure, and form naturally by geological processes.
Minerals are inorganic composites these composites have some functions which are important for all living things
Minerals help your body grow, develop, and stay healthy.
Transmitting nerve impulses.
Some minerals are even used to make hormones or maintain a normal heartbeat.
Phosphorus is Important for healthy bones and teeth; found in every cell; part of the system that maintains acid-base balance
Carbonhydrates intro+Monosaccharides
What is Carbohaydrate? Carbohydrates are organic composites which contain C,H and O atoms.Green plants use thelight energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates.As a result, oxygen is released into atmosphere and light energy is transformed into chemical energy stored in carbohydrates.According to their molecular there are 3 kinds of carbohydrates.These are Monosaccharides,Disaccharides and Ploysaccharides.
Monosaccharides(simple sugars):according to their''C'' number if they are 5C they are Pentoses for example Ribose is a monosaccharide.If they are 6C they are called Hexoses for example Glucose,galactose and fructose.
Pentoses:They are in the structure of DNA ,RNA and ATP,Deoxyribose is a Sugar,Ribose is the sugar in RNA and ATP Hexoses:They are the primary energy sources for cells.
Disaccharides are less soluble in water,less sweet compared to monosaccharides.By dehydration of 2 monosaccharides they create one dissacharide and water.The bond that holds two monosaccharides are called Glycoside Bonds.All Disaccharides have same formulas.It is C12 H22 O11
Glucose+Glucose=Maltose+Water Glucose+Fructose=Sucrose+water Glucose+Galactose=Lactose+water You can reverse the process by hydrolysis
Polysaccharides are formed by joining of many monosaccharide with dehydration.They all have the same formula of C6 H10 O5.They are less soluble in water and not sweet at all.They play structrual roles.Examples for polysaccharides are starch,cellulose,glycogen and chitin Functions of Carbohydrates
It is the primary source of energy
It is found in the structure of the organisms
Some Carbohydrates function in as storage
What is a Lipid? Another important groups of organic composites, which are insoluable in water containing C, H, O and in some cases P and N atoms.There are 3 types of lipids which are Triglyceride(neutral lipids),Compound Lipids and Steroids. Functions of Lipids
They can reduce damage from physical harms from outside of our body.
Steroid hormones have chemical messenger role.
They prevent heat loss in the situation of tempurature change
They are used as structural molecules in the cell membrane
. They provide a long-term storage of energy.
They are secondry energy sources
Neutral Lipids
Also known as Triglycerides are made of 3 Fatty Acids+Glycerol by dehydration, it also creates water among the process.Triglycerides containing fatty acids and they are either saturated or unsaturated. • Carbon compounds that contain double carbon=carbon bonds are known as unsaturated compounds. Saturated fatty acids have no double bonds between the carbon atoms. Ex:Oils,Waxes,Fats
Compound Lipids
Compound Lipids play structural role in cell membrane and compound lipids are important for cell recognition.We can give 2 examples for compound lipids. These are:
Glycolipids:when a glucose or galactose attaches to glycerol it causes a Glycolipid. Phospholipids:They are made of one unit of glycerol,two fatty acid unit,and a phosphate group.
Steroids are the 3rd type of lipids.Most common steroid in human body is cholestrol.It is found in cell membrane.It helps functioning in metabolic activities.Cholestrol is not found in plant cell membrane.Consuming to much cholestrol can cause cardiovascular diseases.
What is Protein? They are made of C,H,O,N and rarely S and P atoms .Their building units are amino acids.(amino acids are organic acids)Amino acids contain amino group( -NH2) and carboxyl group(-COOH).. Each amino acid has a side chain which is a radical group.Because of the radical group each amino acid have different characteristics.Because Of it there are 20 kind of amino acid in living systems and this causes different kinds of proteins because of different kinds of amino acid combinations.Plants can produce all the amino acids required for building all the necessary proteins but animals can't produce 8 of these amino acids.To solve that problem they get 8 of these amino acids from food.
Functions of Proteins
Transporting molecules all around the body
They are the tertiary energy sources for our body
They support muscle movement and contraction
Catalytic functions
Some proteins fight against microbes in our body
Enzymes are made of proteins
connections between amino acids
Peptide bond is formed between carboxyl group of one amino acid and the amino group of the next one with the loss of one water molecule.It's the dehydration process we know.The number of amino acids in proteins are indicated by Dipeptide,Tripeptide and Polypeptide.
Dipeptide: is when 2 amino acids connect to each other For example
Amino acid(1)+Amino acid(2)=Dipeptide+ water
Tripeptide:is when 3 amino acids connect to each other For example
Amino acid(1)+Amino acid(2)+Amino acid(3)=Tripeptide+ 2 water
Polypeptide:is when more then 3 amino acids connect to each other For example A.a+A.a+A.a+A.a=Polypeptide+3 water
Enzymes are biological catalysts and organic composites .Catalysts are used to speed up the process of chemical reactions by decreasing theactivation energy that is needed.(activation energy is the energy needed to start a reaction)Catalysts control almost all the chemical reactions, which take place inside organisms. Enzymes are made of proteins.The protein part of an enzyme is called apoenzyme.And there is non-protein part(Apoenzymes and non-protein parts together called Holoenzymes).This part is needed for starting reactions.Many enzymes require the presence of an inorganic ion or nonprotein organic molecule. They are called cofactors.
Properties of Enzymes
When an enzyme and its substrate are joined, the bonds in substrate are weakened. This lowers the activation energy of the reaction because of that the reaction can take place in body tempurature more easi
Number of enzymes are low because they are used temporairly and after reactions they left unchanged for that they can be used again and again.
The names of enzymes usually end with the suffix -ase which is take from the substrate.For example Sucrose becomes Sucrase.
Enzymes may catalyze reactions in reverse or forward.
An enzyme can only do one kind of reaction
Connection between Enzyme and Substrate
Every enzyme has specific molecule that they work on.These molecules are called substrate.The activation between enzymes and substrate occurs in a regions called active sites of apoenzyme molecule.When the enzyme and substrate connect to each other they are called Enzyme-Substrate complex.This complex is not stable, it breaks down into new products, but the enzymes remain unchanged.
Temperature: Each enzyme works best at certain temperature,it is called Optimum temperature.The enzyme action rate increases when it gets closer to optimum temperature but if temperature is lowered,the rate of activity decreases
Ph degree:Same in temperature enzymes work best at certain ph degrees
Outside Factors:heavy metal ions, antibiotics, arsenic, snake or scorpion poisons act as inhibitors and inhibit enzyme action,on the other hand Some substances increase the activity of an enzyme called as activators for example Magnesium.
Amount of enzymes: If the amount of enzyme is increased, while the substrate remains constant the rate of reaction is also increased. This increase continues up to a point, and then remains at that level. If the concentration of substrate increases continuously, then, the rate of reaction will also increase directly proportional with the enzyme concentration.
Amount of substrate: Adding more substrate will increase the rate of reaction until all enzyme substrate molecules are in action. Adding more substrate will not increase the reaction rate at this point.
What is Vitamin? They are small organic molecules and composites that are needed for growth and improvement in our body.They are needed in small amounts.They usually function as coenzymes or parts of coenzymes. except for vitamin D and vitamin K,vitamins are taken from outside.Vitamins are classified as Lipid-Soluble and Water-Soluble
These vitamins can't be stored in our body, excess them excreted in urine.That's why they should be taken regularly.Water-Soluble vitamins are B and C vitamins.
B vitamin:is important for carbohydrate metabolism.They can be found in liver,milk,legumes,honey,egg.Lack of vitamin B can cause beriberi syndrome, anemia.
C vitamin:They maintain cartilage and bone,antidoxidant and important for healthy gums,tissue repair.It is found in Orange, lemon, fresh fruit and vegetables.Lack of C vitamin can cause Scurvy, bleeding from gingiva late cure of injuries.
Unlike water- soluble lipid solubles can be stored in liver because of that too much lipid soluble vitamins cause toxicity.
A vitamin:is important for growth of skin cells and for night vision.It can be found in Carrots, whole milk, butter, and eggs, leafy green vegetables, pea and fish-liver oils.Lack of A vitamin can cause night blindness,excessive amount can cause skin, hair, and bone abnormalities.
D vitamin:Promotes bone growth, increases calcium and phosphorus absorption.They can found in fish liver oils, milk, yeast, egg yolk.Some vitamin D can be earned from with help of light.Rickets in chidren,bone softening in adults.
E vitamin:It is an antioxidant.It has a function in decreasing the risk of cancer.It can be found in seed oils, leafy green vegetables, whole cereals.
K vitamin:it is needed for blood clotting , can be synthesized by bacteria in large intestine and can be found in wide variety of vegetables, egg yolk, liver and fish oil.Lack of K vitamin can cause abnormal blood clotting and severe bleeding.
What is a Nucleic Acid? They’re macromolecules containing C, H, O, N and P atoms.They’re two types of nucleic acid found in living cells, these are DNA and RNA.Nucleic acids are made up of subunits called nucleotides.Nucleotides are made of pentose sugar((Ribose in RNA / Deoxyribose in DNA)+ nitrogenous base(A, G, C, T in DNA, U in RNA ) +phosphate.Nucleic acids are the long chains of nucleotides. These nucleotides attach together by Phosphodiester bonds.Connections occur phosphate and sugar groups.Inside nucleotide phosphate is attached to pentose by ester bond and penstose is attached to nitrogenous base by glycoside bond
Properties of DNA
It is a double helix molecule.
It consists of two chains of nucleotide strands.
Every base have specific base that they match with A(adenine) matches with T(Thymine) and G(guanine) matches with C(cytosine)
Bases have stages that fit together. A fits T and makes 2 H-bonds. Also, G fits C and makes 3 H-bonds.
The amount of A, T, G and C in DNA can change from species to species.
Always amount of A is equal to T,same for G to C,
It has an ability to copy itself.
Mainly found in the nucleus, also in mitochondria and chloroplast of all eukaryotic cells.
In prokaryotic cells they are in cytoplasm.
What is RNA? RNA(Ribonucleic Acid) is a single stranded molecule because of that RNA cannot copy itself.RNA has ribose instead of deoxyribose and also it has Uracil instead od Thymine.
Functions of RNA
RNA molecule mainly work on protein synthesis
mRNA ( which means messenger RNA) carries messages coded in DNA from DNA to the site of protein synthesis that is RIBOSOMES, in cytoplasm.
rRNA(which means ribosomal RNA)is found in the structure of ribosomes, together with ribosomal proteins.
tRNA(which means transfer RNA)transfers the amino acids from cytoplasm to the ribosomes .
Do you have enough knowledge to have healthy dıet
Here some tips for a Healthy Diet
1.Never skip breakfast 2.Keep A Supply Of Healthy Snacks To Hand (like dried fruit,cereal bars, fruit yogurts etc.) 3.Limit The Number Of Times eating from outside to once a week(mostly try to eat homemade foods) 4.Try to eat things that you like,don't force yourself (but be careful what you eat) 5.Remove All Visible Fat From Food Before You Cook It( for example Take the skin off chicken and trim the white fat off any meat) 6.Eat your food slowly(it influence how much weight you gain) 7.Choose whole-Grain Bread not refined 8. Increase Your Protein Intake 9. Try at Least One New Healthy Recipe Per Week 10.Eat Your Greens First(because if you are hungry you can eat them more easily)
Interesting Facts
Here some interesting facts about composites 1.Proteins are different from each other because of yhe types of amino acids that they contain,order of amino acids,number of amino acids that they contain. 2.Enzymes can be used at science and industry also can be used at preparation of foods. 3.Lipids are important at the absorption of vitamins 4.1 gram carbohydrates equals to 4 calories 5.After a meal carbohydrates can make you sleepy while proteins make you more alert 6.. Roman soldiers were sometimes paid in salt which is where the word 'salary' comes from. 7.Any water based liquid can be qualifed as acid 8.Acids and bases can help neutralize each other.
Name:Töre Özmen Number:142874 Class:9-V School:TED Ankara College