Unlike water- soluble lipid solubles can be stored in liver because of that too much lipid soluble vitamins cause toxicity.
A vitamin:is important for growth of skin cells and for night vision.It can be found in Carrots, whole milk, butter, and eggs, leafy green vegetables, pea and fish-liver oils.Lack of A vitamin can cause night blindness,excessive amount can cause skin, hair, and bone abnormalities.
D vitamin:Promotes bone growth, increases calcium and phosphorus absorption.They can found in fish liver oils, milk, yeast, egg yolk.Some vitamin D can be earned from with help of light.Rickets in chidren,bone softening in adults.
E vitamin:It is an antioxidant.It has a function in decreasing the risk of cancer.It can be found in seed oils, leafy green vegetables, whole cereals.
K vitamin:it is needed for blood clotting , can be synthesized by bacteria in large intestine and can be found in wide variety of vegetables, egg yolk, liver and fish oil.Lack of K vitamin can cause abnormal blood clotting and severe bleeding.